Anomalie #839
closedMySQL (recent version) SQL syntax issue on Distinct list queries
We run a recent version of MySQL (5.7) and some queries on SQL_getNewsList were rejected. Some other queries may be affected also
Our patch on www/news/ SQL_getNewsList is:
- $q= "SELECT DISTINCT(news_id), LEFT(news_title, 60) AS news_title, news_title AS complete_news_title, ". + $q= "SELECT DISTINCT(news_id), ". + "news_range, news_date_crea, ". + "LEFT(news_title, 60) AS news_title, news_title AS complete_news_title, ".
DISTINCT queries using order by MUST have the order by fields in the select.
Simple example:
mysql> select version();-----------------------
| version() |-----------------------
| 5.7.21-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 |-----------------------
1 row in set (0,00 sec)
mysql> SELECT DISTINCT, LEFT AS news_title FROM l21_news ORDER BY news_date_crea ASC;
ERROR 3065 (HY000): Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'xxxxx.l21_news.news_date_crea' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT
mysql> SELECT DISTINCT, news_date_crea, LEFT AS news_title FROM l21_news ORDER BY news_date_crea ASC;----------------------------+-----------------+
| news_id | news_date_crea | news_title |----------------------------+-----------------