Evolution #1031
project export : change embedded image for associated indicators by indicators names and last value ?
Added by Simon over 4 years ago.
Updated almost 4 years ago.
project export : change embedded image for indicators by indicators names ans last raw value ?
- Estimated time changed from 2.00 h to 4.00 h
- File html2canvas.png html2canvas.png added
- Subject changed from project export : change embedded image for indicators by indicators names ans last raw value ? to project export : change embedded image for associated indicators by indicators names and last value ?
Convert image to table
Until now, associated indicators have images generated by html2canvas when calling page /admin/index.php?rub=project&todo=report
This makes web browser slow and buggy when too much projects / indicators are listed. Moreover, the final result is ok but does not allow to search for an indicator name

Solution : Replace this image by table of latest values in a text format.
- Estimated time changed from 4.00 h to 7.00 h
- Status changed from Nouveau to Fermé
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
As a result we have now (in pdf format) ! Not bad

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