# 2.2 07/27/2019 * Evolution #773: project : ability to filter on completion * Evolution #774: project : ability to filter on priority * Evolution #793: ckeditor : save images when copy-paste from word * Evolution #818: pdf / word report : ability to display html (instead of plain text) to get better output * Evolution #826: ensure PHP7 compatibility * Anomalie #833: when changing login, update session login if is current user * Evolution #835: remove gradient on php chart * Evolution #836: Indicator : display dynamic image link to use externally * Evolution #837: php graph - adapt size * Anomalie #838: Bug: Incomplete sending of body: bad ob_flush optimization for php > 5.4.0 * Evolution #846: Include RGPD policy * Evolution #847: ability to change email without changing password * Evolution #848: do not send password when user is changing it from public UI * Evolution #849: display id to be able to use with slot / page in templates * Evolution #851: display level code on level default page * Anomalie #852: prevent warning when resizing if embed chart is in news * Evolution #853: be able to resize chart in news * Evolution #854: add token to logout link in when calling install/update.php * Evolution #855: Do not apply update script if already up-to-date * Evolution #856: Email suite plugin : add new cases * Evolution #857: update lastname / firstname session var when modyfing profile * Evolution #858: handling better logout action * Anomalie #859: Prevent warning in both public and admin interfaces due to PHP 7.2 new behavior * Anomalie #860: Prevent PHP7.2 warning : "Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" * Evolution #863: No plugin flag on confirmation page * Evolution #864: PHP7.2 compatibility on TCPDF * Anomalie #865: adding back iframe support in ckeditor * Evolution #866: According to RFC, remove space in comma separator * Evolution #867: Implement vote modules with ability to enable on projects * Evolution #868: handle mysql version when updating (charset : utf8mb4 / utf8) * Evolution #869: Update public theme to current knacss version * Evolution #870: ability to pass subject var in url for contact page * Evolution #871: Implement vote modules on contributions * Evolution #872: Contribution plugin * Evolution #873: tcpdf update to 6.2.26 * Evolution #874: adapt PCAET plugin to make it available for public UI * Evolution #875: On page module - add public URL for rewrite mode * Anomalie #876: Plugin cookie law : remove unwanted height * Evolution #877: update cookie banner * Evolution #878: pchart update for php 7 compatibility * Evolution #879: ckeditor : ability to add attribute and direct style on iframe * Anomalie #880: bug - from admin user edit page, disconnect user when deleting avatar * Evolution #881: project : add operational goal field * Anomalie #882: handele better parent scale when adding (still mandatory) but ability to give no parent * Anomalie #883: in db, set scale_dependencies to 0 if there is no root scale * Evolution #884: passing CKE_allowExtraContent as a config parameter * Anomalie #885: when using https, redirect to login page fails when automatically disconnecting * Evolution #886: on logout page, check if session has expired or not * Evolution #887: scale - select box / change text size * Evolution #888: In indicator page add associated project(s) if exists * Evolution #889: larger label on project parent select box * Anomalie #890: better test on user field length to prevent sql error when converting html entities * Anomalie #891: priority filter does not work on project * Evolution #892: externalize "Mes préférences" in language file * Evolution #893: tag class : method to check if given tags exists * Anomalie #894: adding generate_html_recursive function exists test * Evolution #895: tag : ability to remove prefix when creating links * Evolution #896: defauly public theme - handle better user menu * Anomalie #897: factorize navigation menu * Evolution #898: in admin page - distinct better project from sub-project * Evolution #899: add VOTE_THRESHOLD constant and associated doc * Evolution #900: tag : ability to remove specific tags (equals or startsWith) * Evolution #901: workgroup : files listing : include h3 in div container * Anomalie #902: workgroup : when listing files, remove folders * Evolution #903: increase default public theme responsivness * Anomalie #904: admin page display vote counter on actions if enabled * Evolution #905: Admin : display votes counter on project list if enabled * Evolution #906: vote module - send notification when reaching threshold * Evolution #907: charset utf-8 for setlocale * Evolution #909: IMPORTANT - READ THIS ! More than 150 tickets were created and closed for 2.2