Evolution #910
closedIMPORTANT - READ THIS ! More than 120 tickets were created and closed for 2.3
We had a crash disk on our server (we lost everything) and last backup was around 1 year old. We lost around 80 tickets related to v2.2.0 and more than 120 related to v2.3.0. We also lost about 200 SVN commits on the same period.
There is no functional loss. Changelog gives an idea of main changes.
Updated by Simon about 5 years ago
- Related to Evolution #909: IMPORTANT - READ THIS ! More than 150 tickets were created and closed for 2.2 added
Updated by Simon about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Nouveau to Fermé
- Assignee set to Simon
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Simon about 5 years ago
From version 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
- Adding optional antispam on contact page / introducing CONTACT_ANTISPAM in config.ini file
- Display numbers of members in workgroup
- Handling singular / plural for votes
- Do not update *_last_modify DB field when modifying ranges
- Removing useless constants form config.ini files : UPLOAD_MAX_MO, OUTPUT_SEP, USER_COMMUNITY
- Admin / export : ability to export in HTML format (curl extension required when images / links) - see HTML_EXPORT constant
- Admin / export (projects / indicators) refactorized
- Admin / export (projects / indicators) : ability to export project or dashboard structured by levels
- Admin / export (projects / indicators) : Word / PDF export beautified
- Admin / export (projects / indicators) : New export option giving ability to control better document structure
- Introducing PASSWD_CONFIRM constant in config.ini file for double password input in public UI
- Introducing DISPLAY_LEVEL_LABEL constant in config.ini file to display label as prefix for level
- Introducing EXPORT_NOIMAGE as optionnal constant in config.ini file for removing images from HTML fields on export
- Introducing WORDEXPORT_ESCAPE as optionnal constant to overwrite PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings::setOutputEscapingEnabled() settings if needed
- Introducing WORDEXPORT_NUMTITLES as optional constant in config.ini file to provide nummbered titles in Word exprt
- Introducing HTML_EXPORT constant in config.ini file to be able to handle HTML format in project / indicator report
- Introducing ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL constant in config.ini file - Ability to prevent double account with unique email
- Admin / system : MISC_HIDDEN_SETTINGS in config.ini file are now available in settings page (back-office)
- Font-awesome is now available in RTE
- Public : harmonized user name on workgroups
- Public / user : double password check when registering if enabled (PASSWD_CONFIRM constant)
- Public / user : ability to generate password by passing associated account email
- Public / privacy : cookie consent full GDPR compliant
- Public / privacy : disabling search engine indexation on user profile page
- Public / privacy : stats plugin compatible with cookies settings
- Public / news : removing pagination from grid layout
- Public / workgroup : ability to set notification preferences on individual workgroup
- Public / contribution : adding marker to recognize user's own contributions
- Public / contribution : adding My Contributions to profile page
- Public / contribution : adding My Contributions to user menu
- Public / contribution ordered by publication date DESC by default
- Public / project : add ability to display projects as in backoffice (with completion rate)
- Admin / level : pretty and easy reordering
- Admin / scale : pretty and easy reordering
- Admin / hierarchical select-box on level and scale modules
- Admin / project : do not include empty values anymore on exports
- Admin / plugin dynamicMenu : provides some help (syntaxic elements) to fill-up URL input
- Admin / confirm page : allow forward to plugin confirm page bor better extensibility
- Project : display manager(s) name(s) if given
- Install : ability to include user defined SQL files to execute on install
- sql_mode compatible with MySQL v8+,
- PHP 7.2+ compatibility enhanced
- Phpword 0.14.0 library removed